Rooms Sorted by Rating
Some of the rooms are rated by a frustration meter. We abandoned that, but for those of you who may be interested:
- Faulty – Is equipment faulty? Does the puzzle not execute well?
- Incongruent – Do puzzles feel too tacked on and not fit the theme?
- Isolating – Do too many people feel left out?
- Obscure – Are answers too obscure? Is it only one the designer could get, or requires trial and error, or esoteric external knowledge?
- Red Herrings – Are there a lot of false hints? Not necessarily bad, but we are on a time limit.
- Tedious – Is a solution laborious to perform? Too much searching? Don’t make us do busy work to fill out the hour. Example from Adventure Games: Slider Puzzles. Towers of Hanoi. Mazes.
We have rated each category by percentage:
- 00%-25% – All normal and coloured green.
- 26%-50% – Things are a bit frustrating and coloured yellow.
- 51%-100% – We want to stab things and punch our friends.