The Midas Project
The Midas Project
- Played June 2021
- 4+ hours
- 1-3 players
- $30
- What People Say
This puzzle book is divided into five parts, plus a section with hints and solutions at the back. The book is filled with authentic pictures, photos, artefacts, and other documents that make the player feel as though they are a detective on the hunt for a stolen artefact. The pages are laid out well and the sections are clearly divided to let the player know when to continue or not. We enjoyed the quality of the images presented with this puzzle book. In addition to the book, there is a website the player can use to enter in their solutions and see what the next question is. This website has a great feel of an espionage database to it. However, if the player isn’t connected to internet, they won’t be able to progress through the story.
The puzzle book did a very good job with the immersive aspect. The storyline and narrative are carried out in a sequential way, and the player is left eager to continue on to the next part. The puzzle book starts with the players exploring a museum in London. The images provided in the book help the player to feel immersed in this environment. To help augment the immersive experience, in addition to the website for the solutions, it would be great to have some options for a music ‘spy’ playlist, or some short audio/visual components added in to help drive the immersion.
The book has a great variety of puzzles. There are logic puzzles, number puzzles, codes to crack, research to complete, and much more. The hint and solution system at the back of the book was easy to use and was effective in driving the puzzle solving process. The puzzles were challenging, yet achievable. As well, as an investigator, many skills of deduction and logic are needed for this puzzle book experience. We would love to see the puzzle questions themselves either added to the pages in every part, or added to the end in the hints solution, so that way players have access to the questions on paper as well.
Overall, this puzzle book experience was engaging and fun to play! The story line was engaging and the puzzles helped to drive the story and narrative forward. This would be a great game to play solo or with one or two other people. We look forward to the next installment in the Extraordinary Investigations series!
Final Verdict: | 7.6/10 |