Western Bank Heist
Western Bank Heist
- Played February 2018
- St. Louis
- 60 minutes
- 2-12 players
- $30 on weekends, $28 on weekdays
- For all ages
- What People Say
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Escape the Room St Louis is located on a very visible, easy to find corner in downtown St Louis. Lots of food options, but you’ll find the same parking problems as most downtown locations – minimal street parking and (pay) garage parking available. We walked into a nice lobby, which was well lit, clean, and had places to sit. There was very little in terms of decoration, but they did have a few games to play and a place to take pictures if you escape (or don’t), and we were instantly met by our upbeat and friendly hosts.
Before we entered the room, we were given a very brief description of the room and our purpose. There was virtually no story given, and we were disappointed there was no story progression as we went through the room. So while the theme of “Western Bank Heist” was very strong and all-around, we didn’t have a strong feeling of where we fit in the storyline, which also led to there being very little urgency to finishing the room.
Stepping into the room, we instantly found ourselves physically immersed in the western bank theme, with the set feeling very realistic. It was well built, had several authentic set pieces that stood out, and we really enjoyed the clever way they gave us clues and showed us our time. It fit great with the theme and was a creative addition. While there was not much extraneous set decoration, there were some fun, old-timey props mixed in with a few that were lower quality.
Most of the room was time appropriate, however there were a few present day pieces that stood out, and we were unfortunately taken out of the moment a few times from outside noise.
The beginning was a hodge-podge of different types of clues, mostly physical, which were fun and spread the group out. But after about 1/3 of the way through the room, the puzzles became mostly linear, which meant we were usually waiting around while one or two people were figuring out the current puzzle. All in all, there were a decent number of puzzles, but many ended up being similar to each other, so not much variety. We were disappointed in a few of the puzzles being ‘triggered’ by the gamemaster watching our actions, instead of our actions directly impacting the outcome. There wasn’t much teamwork needed for any of the clues, but they did have a really fun, clever puzzle towards the end that stuck out in our brain.
The room had some really fun moments, and in general was enjoyable, but a lot of the fun factor died down whenever most of us had to wait while only a couple people could work on the current puzzle.
The room is large enough in size for the 12 people they suggest, but with 6 (advanced) players, we had a good amount of standing around time. We would suggest 3-5 people for this room, depending on skill level, but do note they are set-up to add people to your party if you don’t fill up the room.
Final Verdict: | 5.3/10 |
Hi 🙂
Thanks a lot for all your reviews as always helpful <3
may i ask u in this specific room what was the clever way they gave u clues and showed u time?
would be appreciated if u give the answer in my Email 🙂
We’re not sure if anyone got back to you via email Sina, but thank you for your support and kind comments! Although we’re not entirely sure which of our members added this note to their comments (the author of all ERA reviews simply documents and writes out each team member’s thoughts and observations), we assume it would be something that they may not have noticed before. The review seems to be a bit older now, so it could be the use of technology in a clever and new way at the time.