Rainforest Ruins
Rainforest Ruins
- Played August 2021
- Vancouver, BC
- 50 minutes
- 2-6 players
- $30
- Great for families
What People Say
Rainforest Ruins was one of the two games from Bamboozled Escape Games we had the pleasure of playing during our recent trip to Vancouver. Bamboozled are located in the back corner of a shopping plaza with a nice big gold-and-purple sign to help you find them and plenty of free parking. Our hosts were very friendly and gave us a good welcome. The lobby was a little bare, with no seating or refreshments, but otherwise clean and serviceable. Before the game started, we watched a quick video outlining the rules in one of two small ‘Destination Gates’ separated from the main lobby which was a nice touch.
Unfortunately the room quality was a bit hit or miss. The decor was great, with colourful paintings and bright colours. However, the room felt a little bare, with everything around the perimeter and lots of empty space in the middle. In addition, some of the props felt slightly cheap and the audio could sometimes be hard to follow. Our biggest issue though was that we ran into a number of technical problems during our playthrough, which required stopping and waiting while our hosts reset the game. They were very apologetic and we can understand that technical issues do sometimes crop up, but it did somewhat detract from the experience. Hopefully Bamboozled will be able to track down the bugs and make sure it’s not a problem again.
When it came to immersion, the game felt a little disconnected. There was a story, but it was neither particularly easy to follow nor particularly gripping. There was a good effort made to integrate the puzzles into the theme, and the puzzles felt appropriate for the environment, but all too often it simply felt like we were solving puzzles to get to the next one as opposed to progressing the story.
On the other hand, the puzzles were one of the strong points of the room. There was a good variety and number of puzzles, and when they worked they were a lot of fun. All too often, escape room puzzles can feel like puzzles you could easily do at home with a pen and paper, but the puzzles here incorporated a lot of physicality, required moving around the room, and made good use of props. In general, the puzzles were very inclusive; a number of them required teamwork to complete, and at no time did anyone fell like they were waiting around for someone else to solve something. The final puzzle felt slightly cheesy, but any 12-year-old kids in your group are going to absolutely love it.
Overall this was a decent room, with a good variety of puzzles and some cool props and artwork, but the technical problems we ran into definitely put a damper on things. If Bamboozled can get those issues ironed out, then this is a competent room which would be great for families. Note that due to the physical demands of certain puzzles, this would definitely be a tough room for only two players, but not impossible if you’re feeling spry and like a good challenge.
Final Verdict: | 6/10 |