Mysterious Study (retired)
Mysterious Study
- Played July 2015
- Markham
- 60 minutes
- 3-7 players
- $27.95/Wkday, 29.95/Wkend (Facebook Discounts)
- Unlimited
- Unlimited hints makes this good for children, but may be difficult puzzle wise.
- Omescape
- Unit 7 7501 Woodbine Ave Markham, ON
- (905) 695 9556
- What People Say
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Omescape was one of the first escape room franchises to enter the GTA marketplace. They quickly gained a reputation for their high tech and well designed albeit somewhat pricey rooms. But something held us back from visiting them. Like any over anticipated movie which often disappoints the audience once they see it, I couldn’t help but think there was no way Omescape’s rooms could live up to the hype they were receiving. Mysterious Study would have to really impress me if it wanted to get a good review….so did it? Absolutely! I don’t think I can hype this room enough! To say it’s amazing is to sell it short in so many ways. The flawless combination of great set design, high quality props, and perfectly executed high tech devices had us admiring the room more than we did the game itself (and I didn’t think that was possible)! That’s not to say the game wasn’t incredible also. The theme was consistent, the story was engaging, the intentional team building design was present, and the balance of puzzle types was impressive. If there were any downsides to point out, they only occurred in the exteriors of our experience. The entrance way is a bit small, and unlike many companies which now offer free entertainment options while you wait, Omescape does charge for their board game cafe (although admittedly they have a nice selection of board games). The staff also have customer service tendencies that might be hard to accept for those outside the young-Asian-adult community. Most people will probably find these concerns minor in the grand scheme of things, and thankfully for us they didn’t take away from what could be one of Toronto’s very best escape rooms! Do we recommend this room? Yes! If you’re becoming a connoisseur of escape rooms, you must try this room! Ideally you’d want some experienced players with you as the puzzles can be challenging, but not so challenging that experience is a must. You’ll also want to stick with a team of 4-6 people to ensure you get the maximum level of interaction with the room.
As always, happy escaping!
Final Verdict: | 8.6/10 |