Spy Code – Break Free

7.3 Overall
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Spy Code - Break Free

  • Played October 2017

  • 8-15 minutes
  • 2-4 players
  • $19.99 at Target
  • Ages 6 and up

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Yulu has created a series of family friendly games called Spy Code. In these games you must use your head, skills, and a bit of luck to beat your fellow opponents. Break Free involves a set of four handcuffs that can be divided up depending on the number of players. The goal is to unlock the handcuffs attached to you with a provided key. Whoever breaks out first gets a set of points followed by a lesser amount to those who break out afterwards. There are twelve unique mazes split between three difficulty levels that can be inserted into the handcuffs. The first two levels are a bit too easy for adults, but the last can be a challenge. These handcuffs are built relatively strong, but during the game we could pull out the maze insert with a few accidental twists. The plastic cuffs can fit children and adults but try not to close them too tight, as they will start to hurt.

With three to four people the game is really quick. Three rounds takes roughly 8 minutes and the winner will be declared. The game also unfairly grants the winner of the last and most difficult round a giant lead on points, making them the likely winner of the entire game. With two people you can increase the difficulty by wearing handcuffs on both wrists. We felt the game was much more enjoyable and lasted much longer since it involves unlocking both handcuffs where the off-hand is unlocked backwards. While the game is simple it is also quite enjoyable. We laughed a lot and bragged about our lock-picking skills.

Yulu’s Spy Code series is an interesting theme and mechanic for board games. Break Free is quick, fun, and fairly re-playable. It is pretty simple though as it is designed for ages six and up. We look forward to playing the other games Yulu thinks up.

Final Verdict:


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